Friday, August 5, 2011

Brendon's Dirty Confession!

Sorry I just had to post this. Lets all remember what we are dealing with folks. Can you believe that she is crying over this guy? How embarrassing. Not only does he cheat on her, and humiliate her. But then he puts up a video describing how he was talking to not just one, but 3 different girls! And how many of them did he show his penis to? This just cracks me up.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Brother - August 4th

So here we are again folks, back to eviction night. Tonight is going to very special to me. Not ONLY do I get to scream my lungs out at Rachel, and fall on the floor laughing when she is balling cause Brendon leaves. I get to jump and down when Brendon is booted out the door. I seriously do not like him. He is the biggest name dropper I have ever seen. If I have to hear that he is a rocket scientist one more time, I'm going to barf!  Hopefully I can see her face when she loses HOH tonight. (I can pray)  I have to say, that I was looking at some spoilers a bit ago, and it appears there is going to be some DRAMA in this episode. And who should you ask is the drama coming frome??? Cmon the name is right on the tip of your tongue....RACHEL. Crazy, pscycho....Do any of you guys even think she is hot!? I mean that pout with her lips is grotesque...

I will be on here writing and possiblity yelling vulgarities on this post,, So dont be afraid to me what you REALLY feel.